Sunday, Oct 2 2022 · 2:00 PM
You can't join this event anymore
Genre: Engaged discussion Line up: Donna Haraway's Cyborg Manifesto Open: 16:00 - 18:30 hrs Tickets: € / CASH ONLY VENUE! From now on, the first Sunday of every month De Peper will host the Feminist Book Club. This month we'll be reading and discussing "A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century" by Donna Haraway. A Cyborg Manifesto was first published in 1985 as an article in the US magazine Socialist Review. Reading this text, we'll encounter the figure of the cyborg posited as a challenge to essentialist politics. Since its publication, this text has come to be considered seminal for its mapping of feminism, science, and technology interactions. Feminist book fans, and absolute beginners, try out this provocative book, and epress your thoughts when we meet up on 2nd October. Meet up & bar open from: 16:00. Vegan organic community kitchen open from: 19:00 (Food reservations can be made during book club - donation based, please be generous if you can)
OT301, Overtoom, Amsterdam, Netherlands