De Ronde Venen Marathon

Sunday, Nov 17 2024 ยท 11:00 AM

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De Ronde Venen, Nederland


The De Ronde Venen Marathon Foundation is hosting the Hafkamp Groenewegen the Ronde Venen Marathon (DRVM). This special race commences and concludes in the heart of Abcoude, a town which is situated only 3 km south of Amsterdam and is easily accessible by public transport. During the marathon, participants will traverse the 8 villages of the De Ronde Venen municipality, passing through a variety of landscapes such as rivers, a cattle farm, a former railway line, meadows, and the Botshol, a nature reserve. There are three distances available for this event: a full marathon, a duo marathon (a marathon for two runners where running and cycling are alternated) and a 10 km race. Be sure to sign up soon as the number of registrations is limited to 1250: 500 individual marathon runners, 250 duos, and 300 runners in the 10 km race.

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