
Tuesday, Sep 10 · 12:00 PM


No BASH tickets available. Save to your calendar and let others know you’re going.


Arrange the lineup following the order of occurrences in the source, omitting times. Doors are not part of the lineup. Ignore information about website cookies. Any information should be copied exactly as it is in the source. Add newlines in the description where appropriate and remove statements like 'read more'. Name should not contain words like 'event', 'festival' or 'concert'. The ticketLink should point directly to an URL where you can buy tickets. We know the main organiser is "Wim van Doorne Muziekkiosk". Only add other organisers you can find. Make sure the description does not contain text that is part of buttons or other elements. Any part of the time that is not explicitely mentioned, should be ommited.




Wim van Doorne Muziekkiosk, Alberdingk Thijmlaan 1, 5615 EB Eindhoven, Netherlands

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Wim van Doorne Muziekkiosk

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