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Forró da Quinta, by Tulipas

Thursday, Sep 12 · 6:00 PM


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https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Q_N92OIPros Celinho Silva – Voice & Guitar Cleyton Barros – Zabumba Jina Sumedi – Accordeon Guitar player Celinho Silva, Zabumba master Cleyton Barros and accordionist Jina Sumedi make up the Tulipas. A trio that provides a swinging and warm Forró evening! A festive event, an evening to enjoy! FORRÓ Forró is a dance in which the dance partners move close together. In rural areas, forró parties are an important opportunity to get to know a possible future partner. The movement of the hips is important. The arm that holds the partner’s hand is swung a lot. The other arm lies on the hip of the partner. Each rhythm has a different dance form: Xote This rhythm is danced in the form “two to the left, two to the right” (dois para lá, dois para cá). Within the four-quarter meter, one steps with the left foot on the first beat and with the right foot on the third beat. On the first two beats one throws the hip twice to the left, and on the last two beats twice to the right. Baião This rhythm is danced in the form one-two-one (um-dois-um). One steps with the left foot on the third beat of the bar, with the right foot on the fourth beat, and with the left foot again on the first beat. On the second beat a small hop is made. ENG Guitar player Celinho Silva, Zabumba master Cleyton Barros and accordionist Jina Sumedi make up the Tulipas. A trio that provides a swinging and warm Forró evening! A festive event, an evening to enjoy! FORRÓ Forró is a dance in which the dance partners move close together. In rural areas, forró parties are an important opportunity to get to know a possible future partner. The movement of the hips is important. The arm that holds the partner’s hand is swung a lot. The other arm lies on the hip of the partner. Each rhythm has a different dance form: Xote This rhythm is danced in the form “two to the left, two to the right” (dois para lá, dois para cá). Within the four-quarter meter, one steps with the left foot on the first beat and with the right foot on the third beat. On the first two beats one throws the hip twice to the left, and on the last two beats twice to the right. Baião This rhythm is danced in the form one-two-one (um-dois-um). One steps with the left foot on the third beat of the bar, with the right foot on the fourth beat, and with the left foot again on the first beat. On the second beat a small hop is made. Bron: Wikipedia




Teatro Munganga, Schinkelhavenstraat 27-HS, 1075 VP Amsterdam, Netherlands

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Cleyton Barros

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Jina Sumedi

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Teatro Munganga

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