Thursday, Oct 20 2022 · 8:00 PM · 5:00 AM

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Guests · 1
rasta neguse

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Sexyland World, Noordwal, Amsterdam, Netherlands


A night of epic expression for your wild imagination. Sexy Mess is a night of dance­floor ex­cel­lence bring­ing to­gether an in­ter­na­tional mix of nightlife cre­ators, vibe cu­ra­tors, cul­ture-freaks and hu­mans who make mu­sic to move your body! Be your­self. Be Sexy. Be a Mess. Launched in 2019, Sexy Mess unites the global nightlife com­mu­nity for a night of con­nec­tion and epic ex­pres­sion on the dance­floor. This year for ADE, we trans­form Sexy­land World into a bound­ary-push­ing art-ex­pe­ri­ence dance-party with help from our fave cre­ators and cu­ra­tors in­clud­ing: House of Yes (New York) Car­los Cap­slock (São Paulo) Vi­be­Lab (Am­s­ter­dam/​​Berlin/​​Syd­ney) House Mu­sic With Love (Malmo) Flight mode (Am­s­ter­dam) DJs: Tes­suto b2b Se­bas­t­ian Voigt Ruby Sav­age Sjam­soedin Be­tonkust SAM!RA Booth­Hills Tie-Cie Oli Neate Dress to Ex­press your weird, wild and won­der­ful. Join us as we co-cre­ate an out­ra­geous dance party filled with pos­i­tive nightlife, good vibes, se­cret rooms, new friends, per­for­mance art sur­prises, self-ex­pres­sion and the­atri­cal ab­sur­dity. ::: SAFER SPACES POL­ICY ::: Sexy Mess is a party for every­one to feel wel­come. We have a zero tol­er­ance pol­icy for ha­rass­ment, un­wanted touch, and dis­crim­i­na­tion. Con­sent is Every­thing- Al­ways ASK be­fore touch­ing any­one at our events. If some­one is mak­ing you un­com­fort­able, please speak to a se­cu­rity guard or ask for a man­ager. We will be­lieve you, and we will help. All re­strooms in our venue are gen­der neu­tral. The en­trance to the venue is ADA ac­ces­si­ble. Strobe lights are used dur­ing per­for­mances and par­ties. Feel free to con­tact us if you have any ques­tions.



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