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OPEN­ING SHOW Be­witched Cloth­ing

Friday, Aug 12 2022 · 3:00 PM - Saturday, Aug 13 2022 · 1:00 AM


Celebrating the lives of trans women and gender non-conforming people who have died of AIDS in Mexico since the 1980s. The Used Cloth­ing Ward is a no­madic sym­bolic space. As a col­lab­o­ra­tive pro­ject, it at­tempts to use tex­tiles to em­body mem­ory in or­der to cel­e­brate the lives of trans women and gen­der non-con­form­ing peo­ple who have died of AIDS in Mex­ico since the 1980s. The pro­ject in­volves three two-per­son teams; each cre­ative duo fea­tures in­di­vid­u­als from dif­fer­ent gen­er­a­tions who nonethe­less share a his­tory in terms of how they went about con­struct­ing their own re­bel­lious iden­ti­ties. César González-Aguirre Cu­rador in­de­pen­di­ente /In­de­pen­dent Cu­ra­tor Artists Brandy Ba­surto Emma Yesica Du­vali Er­ick Molina Samuel Nicolle Terry Hol­i­day María Ponce Sociëteit SEXYLAND is een kunstproject, een conceptuele club met ruimte voor experiment; een plek waar alle soorten ideeën een podium kunnen krijgen. Dus als je een goed idee hebt mail: _____ SEXYLAND is an art project, a conceptual club with room for experimentation; a place where all kinds of ideas can get a stage. So if you have a good idea email:



Sexyland World, Noordwal, Amsterdam, Netherlands

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