Friday, Sep 27 · 7:00 PM · 11:00 PM


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Borokov Borokov invites Brik Tu-Tok, 5amaseen, Ted Ravel, Ruisvogel & Ode de Kort to cook up a big announcement tomorrow. Expect to be expecting, because “hunger is the best sauce”. Borokov Borokov If anything could be called Borokov Borokov's formula, it probably would be derived from the following quote: “First and foremost we make music that we ourselves want to dance to. Even when the music in question does not immediately sound like dance music." The result may resemble for example angular synth pop, ... work incapacitated hi-NRG, krauttrock with a double 't', supra-freudian elektrapunk, birthday-themed acid house, no-no wave, polyphonic panic attacks or multilingual lamentation. As if with each track, the band seizes a new opportunity to waltz out of the confines of its own straitjacket, albeit with no guarantee of success. By the way, they found their first drum machine on a rubbish dump in Borsbeek. [@borokovborokov]( Brik Tu-Tok Something that once began as Dadaist prose now leads a life of its own in both the theatre and music circuits. This duo kneads the theatrical with the musical into a new absurd universe, where eccentric characters sing their soulful praises. A Brik Tu-Tok Live Concert is a colourful catwalk of weird synth pop, Do-It-Yourself Avant-Garde, Kitsch & Clumsy second hand Fashion and out-of-control nonsensical interludes. When you think of Brik Tu-Tok, you think of a parallel world in which a wide arrangement of sounds is brought to life through samples and all sorts of domestic and homemade objects. The musicians/characters -they appear in various forms- behave sometimes grotesquely then again humorously. Actors and theatre makers Maxim Storms and Linde Carrijn explore with their unconventional band different creative energetic spheres and similar inner universes. Brik Tu-Tok is reminiscent of B52'S, Moondog, Cocorosie, The Residents. Brik Tu-Tok is raw and powerful, catchy and memorable. [@briktitok]( 5amaseen 5amaseen [xæmæsiːn]: Egy. Arabic, dusty, heavy winds which arrive in spring. The stage name of Egypt-born, and currently Brussels based Tarek Reda.Inspired by a wide range of genres including metal and bass music, he forges his sound between pounding kicks, quick percussive syncopated patterns, distorted breaks, with a touch of noise/glitch. In addition to some heavily distorted guitar riffs and odd time signatures, he is heavily inspired by the music of his birthplace. Influenced by mahraganat and folkloric music from Egypt and the rest of the Arab world, he aims to transcend the tasteless “fusion” between the known and the “exotic.” Instead, his sonic identity revolves around paying respect to the musical roots while simultaneously reimagining and giving form to them within a contemporary context. He is also part of the Ghent based collective Yalla Worldwide, sharing the stage with some of the most innovative Arab artists at the moment, such as BADER, 3Phaz, Hassan Abou Alam, and ZULI. [@5amaseen]( Ruisvogel Ruisvogel is the ambient solo project of Rotterdam based guitarist/vocalist Daanie van den IJssel (Neighbours Burning Neighbours). Ruisvogel creates compelling noisy drones and experimental lush soundscapes. They use DIY tapeloops, synthesizers and samples. Fun fact: they first started making bleep-bloop synth sounds during an exchange project by the Hamburger Community of Live residents in '21, where musicians who normally make guitar music were challenged to work with anologue synthesizers and make a song. [@ruisvogel]( Ted Ravel [@bork090]( Ode de Kort [@odedekort](

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Roodkapje, Delftseplein 39, 3013 AA Rotterdam, Netherlands

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Borokov Borokov

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Brik Tu-Tok

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Ted Ravel

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Brik Tu-Tok

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