Thursday, Sep 26 · 6:30 PM


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Go watch Camiel and his installations and performances EXO How can we enhance the way we are perceived? Where at PRESS the question was who is in control, here the theme of mastery will become less important than the search for the symbiosis of man and machine; an enrichment of man/machine. A triangular installation, rotating and movable. A nearly kaleidoscopic physical experience. As a counterpart to PRESS and EXO, where man is dependent on his created installations, MANCHINES is inspired by the ever-increasing communication with his environment through technology/digital forms of communication. Camiel searches for boundaries of intimacy. Especially now, in a time where physical contact is scare Camiel fears and is intrigued by the alienation of intimate physical connection between people. MANCHINES is a duet with performers from Collective MAMM. A dance-like fight about getting closer together and playful miscommunication. credits: Concept: Camiel Corneille Regie: Camiel Corneille Uitvoering: Camiel Corneille, Mees Meeuwsen, Maxime Abbenhues Design & Building: Marc van Vliet, Edwin Schulte, Camiel Corneille Licht: Hessel Hilgersom Muziek: Guy Corneille e.a. Techniek: Hessel Hilgersom Productie: Lysanne van Esch Met dank aan: Jasper van Luijk, Wies Merkx, Tom Vollebregt Partners: Festival Circolo, Circuswerkplaats Dommelhof, Buro Piket, Korzo Theater, Werkplaats Diepenheim, MAAStd, CirkLabo, Miramiro




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