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Room of a self-taught child

Saturday, Jan 18 2025 · 3:00 PM - Sunday, Jan 26 2025 · 9:00 PM


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Hey people and friends, first of all we wish everyone a happy new year 🌻 After conceptualizing a lot for our upcoming exhibition "Room of a self-taught child", we are more than excited to invite you all over to our official exhibition dates!! The opening will take place on January 18th at 16 o'clock. The event will be located at the @de_meldkamer, Capucijnstraat 21 in Maastricht. At the exhibition, we are showing our work which we collaberated to a conceptual room. To finish our concept at the exhibition, we invited @Julius_eg_ to play his ambient / electronic music at our opening, performance and closing day. We would love to share our works and concept with drinks, snacks and live music at the exhibition. Stay safe and we'll see you at our exhibition ✌️ Greets Mees & Xun Poster design by @studio_vandalon Julius

Electronic music



Capucijnenstraat 21, 6211 RN Maastricht, Nederland

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