Amsterdam Universities Programming Contest

Saturday, Sep 21 · 8:00 AM · 4:00 PM


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Are you passionate about programming and do you enjoy solving challenging programming puzzles? Then enter the Amsterdam Universities Programming Contest! STORM and via are proud to jointly organise this year's AUPC. Previously known as the APC. These are the preliminary rounds of the larger BAPC. Here, you and your team (2-3 members) solve as many programming problems as possible within a tight time limit. For this, you will use languages such as Python, C, C++ and Java. But with only one laptop per team, you will have to divide the tasks cleverly! The best teams will be rewarded with prizes and the chance to advance to the BAPC: the Benelux Algorithm Programming Contest. There, your team will compete against the best teams from other universities in the Benelux! This year, the BAPC is being organised in Groningen. The best teams from the BAPC also get to go to NWERC, an international programming contest within Northwest Europe, which this year takes place in Delft! The best of those are able to partake at the European championship. Game rules For this competition, you will be allocated a laptop, so you are not allowed to bring your own. It is possible to bring your own hardware (such as keyboard and mouse), which will first be checked by the jury. You are also allowed to bring your own cheat sheet, which may consist of a maximum of 25 sides and may be self-written or found online. Each team member may bring a copy of this. Printers will be provided during the competition to print code, you may make use of this. See for more information and last years' problem sets Peaked your interest? Don't wait any longer and sign up to prove your programming talents! Please note, only 1 person needs to sign up for your team!



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