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RE NATURE Festival

Saturday, Sep 21 · 10:00 AM - Sunday, Sep 22 · 8:00 AM


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RE NATURE is a multidisciplinary, substantive and experience-oriented festival with a leading role for art and nature. Various workshops: Wild picking, Walks, Ceremonies, Expedites, Vegetable prints, Fermentation, Climate conversations, Mushrooms, Increase your (green) impact, Mycelium Joy, Dreaming together, Listening to Trees, Qi Gong, Plan & Design your Food Forest, Foraging & Hunting, Weaving. Lectures with: Jessica den Outer (rights for nature), Emanuele Coccia (Life of Plants Saturday), Klaas Kuitenbrouwer (The Zoönomic Institute), Geert van der Veer (Herenboeren, Aardpeer, Plaats Kleine Aarde), Martijn Aalbrecht (Voedselboss), Embassy of the North Sea (Confluence of European Water Bodies / Sunday), Jeroen Heindijk (Boom Sjamaan), Art & Ecology (University of the Arts Utrecht / Saturday), Imke Ruigrok (artistic director RE NATURE). Films: De Natuur Bestaat Niet (relation therapy between man and nature, with Dirk de Wachter), I Am The River, The River Is Me. Art & Theater: 35+ Ecological art projects with Atelier Van Lieshout, Zoro Feigl, Femmy Otten, Suzette Bousema, De Onkruidenier, Jamie Nee, Angelina Kumar, Ruchama Noorda, het WilgenPortal, Ibelisse Guardia Ferragutti, Lana Nasser, Ratu R. Saraswati, Collective Walden, Snowapple Collective (Saturday), ZID Theater (Sunday), Sarah Kaushik, De Insektensekte (They Kley), Paul Staring, Milieudefensie, Chiel Kuijl, Aja Waalwijk and many others. Practical information: Tickets With your ticket you have access to the festival site, the market, food stalls, lectures and various performances. In addition, put together your own daily program by reserving tickets for workshops/theaters and other special programs. Day ticket – €15.00 0 – 17 years / city pass – free / €7.50 Specific program tickets for films, workshops, theater & dinners will follow later and will vary between € 2.50 and € 15.00 RE_Connect: Remembering and reconnecting with lost inspiration, knowledge and care. That applies to our (ancestral) knowledge and care for our community and land. RE_Root: Reconnecting with your own roots: background, history, soil, local traditions and knowledge. It also means re-grounding and taking root. Slow down and connect: making connections with your community, neighborhood, ancestors and the environment. In some areas this also means descaling, which requires a new understanding of what a desirable scale is for connection, responsibility and exchange. Re-understanding scale. Thus a descaling in some areas and scaling up in other areas. Working collectively, collaborating and learning from each other. How do we become co-conspirators? How can we ask questions, find the middle, connect, learn, grow and change? RE_Member: Remembering the relatively recent knowledge and techniques that demonstrate an enormous connection and understanding of our local soil, traditions and crops. Knowledge from our own soil, from grandmothers and fathers. Local wisdom and traditions that focus on an interwoven relationship with nature, the seasons and the soil. Indigenous elders (the sages of original natural peoples) from all over the world are currently answering the call to speak out and share their knowledge with all corners of the earth, for they are the ones who protect the largest percentage of the earth and original knowledge hats. Unfortunately, in the West we have drifted far from our local roots and knowledge. We re-learn (remember) the awareness of interconnectedness from wisdom keepers from Dakota, Amazon and Peru, and ultimately have the responsibility and care locally with our own land and community to bring back reciprocity, regenerative knowledge and balance. RE_spons(e)able: Are we able to respond – responsibly? Responses to the climate crisis and urgency range from fear and sadness, to lethargy, anger and action. And if we take action, what kind of action is it? Is it a protesting fist or are we taking measures that encourage change? Such as establishing rights for nature, trees, land or sea? Can we take responsibility for all life? Can we make choices that care beyond self-thinking, national borders, and also take the long term and future generations into account? RE_Invent: Inventing smart and new systems that serve nature, listen to nature and learn from it. Systems that are regenerative (reciprocal instead of consumption). Re_Forest: Food forests, Agro forestry RE Wilding Permaculture Nature guardians and stewards Re-learning plants, food and relationships. Preserving, fermenting, tinctures, etc. Bio art & design. Re-learning from nature. Such as electricity from bacteria, mycelium as a building material, plastic-degrading mushrooms and biodesign. Partners: Milieudefensie, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU Environmental Humanities), Utrecht University of the Arts (BioART + DESIGN), Ashoka, Bioregional Weaving Lab, Future of Work Foundation Den Bosch, Collective Snowapple, Landjuweel Foundation, ZID Theater, Stadslandgoed Nieuw-West, Treehouse (NDSM).




Ruigoord 76, 1047 HH Amsterdam, Nederland

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Ibelisse Guardia Ferragutti

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Zoro Feigl

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Aja Waalwijk

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