Half-year General Assembly

Tuesday, Sep 17 · 4:00 PM · 8:00 PM


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Board 25 is now over halfway through their board year, so it is about time for the mid-year General Assembly (GA)! At this GM, board 25 will present their half-year report, half-year financial report and their half-year budget. We will discuss board 24's financial report as well as the financial report of VER foundation. We will also discuss a comprehensive evaluation of the Supervisory Board, after which we will vote in new interested members who want to join the Supervisory Board. For the new members: a GA (General Assembly) is a meeting at which all members are welcome and can participate in deciding on the topics on the agenda. Important documents are often discussed, such as budgets, annual reports, policy plans and the like. The relevant documents are available here: https://svia.nl/alv/85 as of September 10th. If you have questions or comments about the documents, please write down the relevant headings in advance. If you want to vote, but you can't come to the GA, then you can authorize someone to vote for you. To do so, email presco@svia.nl . As usual, a free dinner will be provided in advance by the cooking committee. If you would like to join us for dinner, please register below no later than Friday, September 13. Dinner will be served at 5 PM in front of the via room (L0.04). Please note that the GA will be in Dutch.




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