Genre is a Social Construct

Saturday, Sep 21 2024 · 5:30 PM · 1:00 AM

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Sexyland World, Noordwal 1, 1021 PX Amsterdam, Netherlands


Join us for a night that ignores music genre classifications and celebrates diverse arts. Genre is a Social Construct is an immersive event where blurred boundaries between music styles and artistic expressions create a vibrant and inclusive atmosphere. The event features live music acts in indie rock and jazz, eclectic DJ sets, a pop-up tattoo and nail artist and many more shenanigans. Experience projected visuals by filmmakers and dynamic installations curated by local artists throughout the venue. This community project is designed to create a fun and unforgettable night, an attempt to redefine the club experience by breaking down categorical boundaries–the interactive, immersive and community-driven approach makes it unique. Whether you’re a music lover, party enthusiast, or simply bored of monotonous music, Genre is a Social Construct promises a night of genre-defying excitement. Join us in celebrating a creative mish-mash of cultural expressions. In short: Two live bands (indie rock, jazz) and three genre-less deejays. Two art exhibitions featuring mixed media and interactive installations, pop-up tattoo and nail artists, an ashtray artisan, and projected visuals.

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