Drinks, Pitches & Demos

Wednesday, Oct 2 2024 · 3:00 PM · 5:00 PM

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HTC 9, 5656 AE Eindhoven, Nederland


Drinks, Pitches & Demos is set for Wednesday, October 2nd at HTC 9, High Tech Campus Eindhoven, 5656AE Eindhoven. DPD is the perfect knowledge-sharing platform to advertise your new project, to stay informed on breakthrough technologies, ask for help if you're stuck on a problem and to meet people in our rich innovation ecosystem. Connect with like-minded professionals, potential business partners, mentors and investors who can help propel your future or venture to new heights. Companies or people working in the technology field can pitch their company, project, ask for help or simply their successes. DPD takes place the first Wednesday of each month from 17:00 to 19:00 in various locations around Eindhoven. For more information and to confirm your attendance, visit the Drinks, Pitches & Demos Meetup page: https://www.meetup.com/nl-NL/Drinks-Pitches-Demo-s/

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High Tech Campus

Where hype starts